If We Build it, will they come? Or: how we prepared the ballot for HAPS

Go AWAY. We told you we don’t want to run for an office!

One of the duties of the HAPS president-elect is to develop the ballot for the next year’s election. This year, the ballot consists of candidates for president-elect, secretary, central regional director, and southern regional director. When I became president-elect, I knew this task would be one of my most important in this upcoming year.  It also was a task that stressed me out immensely.  What if I was unable to find enough qualified candidates who were willing to run for the position?  Would I become the equivalent of the garrulous party guest that everyone tries to avoid, as I tried to solicit nominations for the ballot?  And if I did ‘build’ a good ballot, would the voters ‘come’ to the polls and vote?

Luckily the president-elect does not need to take on this task alone.  S/he appoints members to be part of a Nominating Committee to help with this procedure.  So how to appoint such a committee?  Lesson #1 – first ask these dedicated, overachieving and hard-worked individuals if they would like to be candidates for the ballot, but if they cannot run, to consider being part of the Nominating Committee.  And *that* is how I quickly populated my Nominating Committee.  It is all a matter of perspective. 🙂

HAPS is populated with with many qualified, hardworking individuals who would make great officers.  But many of these people (yes, I am talking to YOU) doubt themselves, and hesitate to run.  They think that they may not do a good job, that the work may be too much, etc.  In other words – some of these people are their own worst critics.   Thankfully, not everyone feels this way.  While some may have some concerns about running and may be a little hesitant at first, they don’t let their fears prevent them from helping an organization that is important to them.  Thus, the HAPS nominating committee was able to prepare a ballot with multiple qualified candidates.

Where do we vote for HAPS officers again?

So, now that we have a great ballot, will all of you do your part and vote?  I would love for this to be the year where we have the highest voter participation record ever for a HAPS election.  We ‘built’ the ballot – please ‘come’ to the election and make your voice heard!  (All you have to do is click on the photo.)

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