24- HAPS Listserv

Emails from the HAPS listserv are the FUN ones…

Summer is really here—my crew is headed out on a backpacking/water sliding/camping adventure tomorrow morning and we’ll be gone for the next couple of weeks.  So, in order to avoid packing tonight (I hate packing), I decided to organize my emails.  From the last 3 years.

That makes complete sense, right?

Of course it does.  And even though it might not have been the most productive and efficient use of my time tonight, it was really fun because my email box was FULL of FASCINATING emails from the HAPS listserv.  Honestly (and I know I’ve said it before), the listserv is one of the best parts of HAPS membership.  Aside from the fantastic conversations about TEACHING anatomy and physiology, the list is a community building PLACE where we connect throughout the year.  It was really fun sift through those old conversations and recognize people I now know in person from the annual conferences.

The email threads I sifted through were varied and dynamic.  I found references to hilarious videos (I am forever grateful to the person who shared the fantastic music video “What does the spleen do“), thought provoking cartoons (one recent discussion on technology in the classroom was stimulated by this cartoon), and dynamic interactions around current research.

So if you are already a member of HAPS make sure you join the list.  Just sign up on the website and you’ll be good to go.  It really is a cool perk of being a member.  And if you aren’t a member yet, join.  It is soooo worth it.

I won’t be posting next week—I’ll be too busy being on summer vacation.  (That is assuming I actually get packed tonight…ahem.)


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