Perfect Timing


As far as I can tell, this is a very bittersweet time of year, anxiously awaited (and dreaded) by students and teachers alike… Testing season is upon us!

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel: only a couple more weeks of lessons and reviews, and yet so much to cover! And in the midst of all this anxious perseverance, the Conferences and workshops are just beginning!

This week, the other Chavez HS science teachers and I will be venturing to San Antonio for the NSTA Conference (Thanks Chavez HS and HISD!!!).home_banner_img

I’ve already downloaded the app and started planning my attack for all the awesome workshops and seminars! We really can’t wait! Conferences are always a great way to re-energize and get some fresh, creative ideas. And now is the perfect time – with all the reviewing and hectic tutoring schedules, new approaches and a renewed excitement is essential. NSTA must have read our minds! 🙂 The only way we can effectively gear our students up and motivate them to succeed is if we, the teachers, are geared up, full of positivity, and have a well-stocked toolkit of ideas to keep things engaging and rigorous! I’m really looking forward to collaborating with other science teachers and putting some new practices into play in my classroom upon our return.

Will anyone else be at the NSTA Conference? Hope to see some of you there! Let the fun begin!

One comment

  1. Hey Erin .. Yes indeed I will be at NSTA! I’ll be presenting on the College in the Schools anatomy and physiology program on Friday – Look me up! Any other HAPS members in Texas for NSTA?

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