Science Conference Success

As expected, the NSTA Conference was delightful! My fellow teachers and I gathered lots of resources, great ideas, and some exciting news! I also had the pleasure of running into a few fellow HAPS members and hopefully helped convince a couple other teachers to join in on all our fun! I love chatting with new people, sharing ideas, and brainstorming together, so I’m thrilled I had the opportunity to make some new connections. 

As for our exciting news… with the new bond that was passed for Houston ISD, there is a rumor we will now have a 1:1 student to computer ratio, with a possibility that my school, Chavez HS, will be one of the pilot schools next year! That being said, I feel the need to prepare myself now for this possibility. It sounds like a great idea on paper, but I question whether I am really ready for the challenge. What experience do you have with student laptops/tablets in the classroom? How do you think they can most effectively be utilized in a high school A&P class? 

One comment

  1. There is a great deal of excellent software out there for A&P. While I do not want to advertise for anyone, I will say you usually don’t need to look much further than the supplemental digital materials available through textbook publishers.
    Additionally, if you can purchase so hardware it is possible to run some pretty interesting labs via a computer.

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