2012 President’s Medal was presented by President Don Kelly to…
Tom Lancraft

This year, I had the pleasure of awarding the HAPS President’s Medal to Tom Lancraft at our Annual Meeting Banquet in Tulsa. Choosing a recipient for this award is one of the president’s toughest duties, since we have so many talented, supportive members, but Tom’s contributions to HAPS made him the clear choice for me.
Tom has been a HAPS member for nearly 20 years and has served on several committees, including the Web and Technology Committee. His most important contributions have been in keeping our organization current with the latest innovations in using technology to educate and inform our members. Tom serves HAPS as Web Editor and has played a critical role in the development, maintenance and redesign of the HAPS website. He’s also been out front when it comes to using the web in teaching. He was among the first to use online and blended delivery of content in anatomy and physiology, developed multimedia tools for instructional use, and is the principal author of HAPS’s position statement on distributed learning. As Course Design and Learning Coordinator for HAPS-Institute, Tom has played a critical role in HAPS-I course development and presentation. In addition, Tom has taught courses for HAPS-I on the use of technology in teaching and has presented workshops on the use of technology at annual and regional conferences.
Active member, dedicated Steering Committee member, and ambassador to our new members: Tom Lancraft epitomizes HAPS spirit of friendship, contribution and collegiality. Please join me, the HAPS Board of Directors, and all who have come to know Tom in congratulating him for this award!
Don Kelly