2016 President’s Medal was presented by President Betsy Ott to…
Dee Silverthorn

Dee Silverthorn (r) receives the President’s Medal from HAPS President Betsy Ott (l)
The President’s Medal was established and first awarded in 2005, to recognize a HAPS member whose service to the society deserved recognition for going above and beyond the usual, not only in dedication and commitment but also in skills and abilities. Since then, a distinguished list of honorees shows the high level of loyalty and excellence of HAPS members.
Each president chooses a recipient that has had a major positive influence on the society. I had the great pleasure to award the 2016 President’s Medal to Dr. Dee Silverthorn. Dee and I have been active in HAPS together, both nationally and regionally, since 1993. Dee’s ability to communicate complex physiological mechanisms, both in presentations and in writing, has already distinguished her as an educator and as an author. Beyond that, however, Dee’s generosity with her time and her guidance has benefitted HAPS enormously, not only through her presentations and committee service, but also through personal connections made at HAPS conferences. Dee has willingly served as local arrangements coordinator for annual and regional meetings, negotiating infrastructure wrangling as easily as delivering keynote addresses. Dee’s service as president (2012-13) did not mark the end of her active participation; since then, she has maintained her activity on the testing committee, delivered major talks, and maintained our relationship with other professional societies, including APS and AIBS.
Dee’s influence on HAPS will persist through her mentorship of future leaders, just as surely as will her impact on her own students and those who use her textbooks. Although she has deserved this medal for a number of years, I am glad it fell to me to make it happen. No one deserves this accolade more than Dee.
Betsy Ott