2018 President’s Medal was presented by President Ron Gerrits to…
Robert “Bob” Crocker

Each HAPS President has the honor of recognizing a member for their exemplary service to the organization. At the 2018 Annual Conference, I had the pleasure of announcing that Robert “Bob” Crocker was my choice for this award.
One of the goal during my presidency was to guide the implementation of a long-term financial plan for the organization. As part of this process, it became clear that ffundraising has become an increasingly important share of the organization’s assets. Bob was a long-time member of the Foundation Oversight Committee (which was responsible for fundraising activities), and served as its chair for a five-year period (2012-2017).
During Bob’s tenure as chair, fundraising and the overall fundraising balance increased significantly. When Bob assumed the position of chair in 2012. HAPS had raised just over $30,000 in total donations. Through countless hours working the fundraising table, spearheading leadership and author fundraising drives, and convincing the board that funds needed a better investment strategy, the fundraising balance stood at nearly $130,000 at the end of Bob’s time as chair. This was in spite of some funds from the account being used to support grants and scholarships.
In recognition for his dedication and organizational impact, the 2018 President’s Medal goes to a very deserving Bob Crocker. The organization will benefit from his impact for many years to come!

Ron Gerrits