2021 President’s Medal was presented by President Wendy Riggs to…
Judi Nath

It is a tremendous honor to choose the recipient of the 2021 President’s Medal, an award designed to pay tribute to a member who has “provided exemplary service to HAPS.” This is a very personal award, because it affords me the opportunity to make visible the things I most value about HAPS, and it is simple. For me, HAPS is about connections, learning, service, and laughter. I am delighted to present this award to a HAPSter who, every day, embodies and amplifies these things I love about HAPS: Judi Nath.
Judi joined HAPS in 1994 and she used to be the youngest member of the organization. She has also been a HAPSter longer than she’s been married to the fantastic Mike Nath. She has served in ever position on the Board of Directors except Treasurer, and she’s served as Chair of the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Foundation Oversight Committee, and the Presidents Emeriti Advisory Group. She missed one annual conference (yep, one) in 1997 because she was attending a wedding in Austria.
For as long as I’ve known this amazing human, I’ve watched Judi provide unswerving support to countless HAPSters, myself included. Unimaginably generous with her time and presence, she elevates those around her and uses her own wisdom and perspective to generate opportunities for others. While the list of examples illustrating her “exemplary service to HAPS” is nearly endless, I am most moved and inspired (and grateful) for the role she played in the formation of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Judi Nath was pivotal in the process when, in 2018 (as HAPS President), she worked with now DEI Chair Kathy Burleson to make a case for the establishment of this new committee. By initiating this process when she did, she set the stage for the robust way HAPS is growing in its capacity to support all its members by embracing authentic conversations about issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our institutions, practices, and classrooms.
Thank you, Nathy, for your vision, leadership, work, and love. HAPS is the organization it is today because of you.