2023 President’s Medal was presented by President Eric Sun to…
Wendy Riggs

It is the privilege of every HAPS president to select and award an individual from the membership who has provided exemplary service to HAPS with the President’s medal. When I was making my selection, I was guided by the wise words of the former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who noted that “Education is of no value and talent is worthless – unless you have an unwavering aim. Never find yourself without a compass.” The individual I have selected for this award not only has a compass but one whose true North points to HAPS. It is my great honor and pleasure to award the 2023 HAPS President’s Medal to my dear colleague and wonderful friend, Wendy Riggs.
Wendy has been a HAPS member for over 12 years. She is a frequent presenter at Annual and Regional conferences, provided weekly posts to the HAPS Blog, taught a HAPS-I course and published in the HAPS Educator. She has been involved in countless committees, chaired the Communication and Nominating committees, and currently chair the President Emeriti Advisory group and Virtual Conference committee. She served on the Board as secretary (2018-2019) and president (2020-2021).
While Wendy’s list of contributions and accomplishments to HAPS is indeed impressive, the most compelling reason that I chose her for the award is because Wendy represents the heart and soul of HAPS – a person who is generous beyond measure, lends support without being asked, takes pride in our successes and finds ways to face our challenges. If you have spent any time in HAPS, you will have either learned from her presentations, worked with her on a committee or shared an uplifting chat on the phone or at a conference. There are few of us who would use a sabbatical to promote HAPS and spend countless hours managing a professional development course this past fall and building her vision of a virtual conference this coming fall. Thank you, Wendy, for your incredible service, commitment and dedication to HAPS.