2025 Southern Regional Meeting

The Southern Regional will be held in Lakeland, Florida on March 1, 2025 at Florida Southern College.

This meeting is hosted by Larry Young (lyoung@hapsconnect.org). Have a question? Contact the HAPS Main Office at info@hapsconnect.org or 706-845-8204.

Poster Proposals
Register Here!
Workshop Proposals
regional Information

Registration Information

 Please sign in to see the member rates reflected on the ticket pricing.  Click here to download the paper registration form. The deadline to submit your poster or workshop, and register before the rates increase is February 15th, 2025.

Exhibitor Information

Click here to view the exhibitor/sponsor packet.   If you are an exhibitor that wishes to present a workshop, in addition to paying the fee, you must submit your workshop by the February 15th deadline.  Payment for a workshop does not guarantee acceptance.