HAPS offers four different exams for purchase by instructors.

Exam Offerings

The HAPS Exam program has grown to include a number of exams and two proctoring methods.  Proctoring can either be done (a) by the instructor at the home institution using institution computers or (b) remotely allowing students to take the exam from almost anywhere during a time window that the instructor chooses. 

After several years of work by a select committee of anatomists, the anatomy-only Learning Outcomes were released in 2018 and revised in 2019.  With the Learning Outcomes in place, the committee continued on to create and validate the Comprehensive Anatomy Exam to assess the outcomes.

The HAPS A&P Examination was established in June 1993 as a standardized assessment instrument for two semester undergraduate courses in Anatomy and Physiology.  It has been continually maintained since that time and has grown into an all-online secure and validated exam.

The HAPS Comprehensive Exam is designed as an end-of-course exam for a full two-semester A&P program that covers all of the HAPS Learning Outcomes. In an effort to fill in the gap for programs and instructors teaching just a portion of these in their A&P I and A&P II courses, we are offering tests with the same reporting power as full Comprehensive Exam, but covering fewer content areas.

HAPS has developed three sets of learning outcomes for the three types of anatomy and physiology courses: combined anatomy and physiology (A&P) learning outcomes for a two-semester undergraduate A&P course sequence, anatomy learning outcomes for a one-semester undergraduate anatomy course, and physiology learning outcomes for a one-semester undergraduate physiology course. All three sets of learning outcomes are far more comprehensive than any student can learn in one term or semester.  Instructors will need to select the topics and outcomes that are appropriate for their course and their students.


Using the Exam in Your Classroom

Consider purchasing the HAPS exam for use at your institution. The exam can be used as a final exam, a pre-test to determine prior knowledge of A&P, or a graded/optional post-test to determine what students have learned.

HAPS Exam Frequently asked questions

Click here for a comprehensive list of the most common questions asked about the purchase and delivery of the onsite and offsite exams.

Exam timeline and refund policy

Here you will find an outline of the process for exam request and preparation, along with refund details.

sample A&p Questions

Curious what type of questions appear on the A&P Exam? Check out some sample questions here.

Purchase the Exam