HAPS Committees
Standing committees are open to all members to join. Participate in
the work of HAPS by joining the committee that speaks to you!
Standing Committees
Anatomical Donor Stewardship – Kelsey Stevens – The purpose of the HAPS Anatomical Donor Stewardship (ADS) Committee is to advise HAPS members on the stewardship of human body donors, donated human specimens, and the anatomy facilities that house them.
Awards and Scholarships – Chasity O’Malley – Administers the HAPS Awards and Scholarships Program to encourage HAPS members (both faculty and students) to apply for awards offered by the society and provide opportunities to present their research and/or teaching methods at a HAPS conference.
Communications – Caitlin Burns – The Communications Committee helps coordinate a dynamic presence in the social media scene to reach and engage multiple audiences and ensure members and non-members receive important HAPS news.
Conferences – Edgar Meyer – The overall mission of the Conferences Committee is to improve and enhance HAPS members’ experiences with regional and annual conferences by envisioning what conferences might need to resemble and provide for current and future evolving membership needs and providing such recommendations for better change to the Board of Directors.
Curriculum & Instruction – Abbey Breckling – Building pedagogical resources using the framework of the official HAPS Learning Guidelines and Goals and research-based educator resources, the Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) committee promotes excellence in teaching and learning of human anatomy and physiology.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Jennifer Stokes – The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee is to facilitate inclusive classroom instruction by developing best practices and resources for inclusive teaching of anatomy and physiology, to provide professional development opportunities for HAPS members related to equitable and inclusive teaching of anatomy and physiology, and to foster a sense of belonging for diverse members of HAPS by advocating for and ensuring inclusive practices within the organization and at HAPS events.
Fundraising – Stacey Dunham – The Fundraising Committee works to raise funds to help support HAPS members in their efforts as anatomy and physiology educators. Funds raised are used to support programs such as the HAPS Leadership Academy and member travel awards.
HAPS Exam Program Committee – Janet Casagrand: A&P Exam Program Lead, Dee Silverthorn: Physiology Exam Program, Lead, Valerie O’Loughlin: Anatomy Exam Program Lead – The Exam Program is not a traditional committee; rather, it is a closed program managed by three Program Leads (Anatomy, Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology) charged with developing, maintaining, securing, and managing the HAPS standardized exams.