Buongiorno da Italia!

Salve i miei colleghi!

FLO_1635I am writing this post from Florence as Anatomia Italiana 2013 is near half way completed. HAPS members Ellen Arnestad, Dic Charge, Caryl Tickner, Cris Martin, Shery Medler, Kathy Tyner, Heidi Pearson, Mark Neilsen, and yours truly, have spent the last eight days in Rome and Florence. As many of you know, the ancient history, Renaissance art, and culinary experiences are overwhelming. But, the most unique aspect of our time in Italy has been our visits to venues important to the history of anatomy education.

In Rome we visited the National Museum of the Sanitary Arts in one of Europe’s oldest hospitals, Santo Spirito in Sassia. There we were greeted by Prof. Gaspare Baggieri who lectured about the role of that institution in early medical education and research. He also shared with us medical tools and alchemy instruments that dated back over 500 years. And today in Florence we visited the La Specola anatomical wax museum at the University of Florence, as well as the Basilica of Santo Spirito to see the crucifix Michelangelo carved at 17 in gratitude for access to corpses for dissection.

We look forward to our visits to the University of Bologna and the University of Padua where we will visit important anatomical wax museums as well as historic anatomy theaters. I will be sure to post a photo and a few words about those experiences.

Connecting art and science is integral to this experience, and many of us are discussing (over wine and pasta!) how we are going to enhance our classes by incorporating the concepts developed during Anatomia Italiana.

The exciting idea about all of this is that in 2014 HAPS members can participate in Anatomia Italiana and also enroll in a three-unit HAPS-I course. A month of online readings prior to the travel experience, followed by the submission of a teaching element after a visit to Italy is the essence of the course. If the 2014 HAPS-I Anatomia Italiana course is something you are considering, you can download the syllabus by clicking here. Details are also on the HAPS-I registration page, which can be visited by clicking here. The entire travel program can be reviewed at the Anatomia Italiana webpage. Keep in mind that it is also an option to travel with Anatomia Italiana and not enroll in the HAPS-I course.

FLO_1679My next post will be from Venice in a few days from now.

Buona giornata, e ci vediamo a presto,

Kevin Petti, Ph.D.
San Diego Miramar College

One comment

  1. This is such a wonderful experience! I wonder if you or some of the other HAPS folks who are there this year might share some of those ideas of how to incorporate Anatomia Italiana into the classroom? I had high hopes of doing so this past year after Anatomia Italiana 2012, but events (busy with a big move and new job) prevented me from doing much, even from using some of the wonderful photos that I have from our trip. Alas!

    Perhaps on the bus trip to Venice you could have someone write down a list of ideas and get a volunteer to write up a blog post about those ideas????

    Thanks to everyone for posting photos and such from this year’s trip. It’s like experiencing it all over again vicariously!

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