HAPS Leadership (#15): Communication Committee

“Recruiting someone to tweet for us seems to cause them to dissolve into thin air!”

140129 (1) Pat BowneI’m laughing as Pat Bowne is explaining some of the ups and downs of the Communication Committee.  When she’s not rubbing elbows with royalty, Pat is helping HAPS reach out through various social media sites.

“I started tweeting to advertise my novels.  That started to mesh with my passion for A&P and I started tweeting for HAPS.  At the time, I was one of two Regional Directors (the other being Jason LaPres) who was tweeting routinely.  The Board decided that we should have a focused approach to social media.”

That decision created the Communication Committee.  Working with the Membership Committee and Marketing Committee as a Super-Committee, the various chairs have negotiated various responsibilities and themes.  From their tele-retreat, they decided that the Communication Committee would use our Twitter account to advertise upcoming research, medicine, and teaching, and our Facebook account to advertise about HAPS-specific events.  Add to that David Evan’s weekly email of HAPS Links, and we’re getting word out fairly consistently.

“One of the challenges is recruiting new committee members to help with the postings.  As I said, when we recruit someone and get them access to our twitter account, they seem to spontaneously combust…I hope there’s not a connection.”  I can see her smile even through the phone line on that one.

Pat is tweeting twice per day and re-tweeting her weekly posts on Saturday.  If you’re curious to follow our social media footprint, go to the HAPS website.  In the top right corner are links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.  Each will take you into a whole new world.

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“If you have a passion for any of these sites and a passion for Anatomy and Physiology, I think we’ve got a great arena for you.  And don’t worry; we’ll make sure that you don’t disappear into the ether!”

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