HAPS Leadership (#20): Steering Committee

140305 (1) Herding CatsIt’s time to meet the person in charge of the HAPS Steering Committee (SC).  As you know, the Steering Committee is made up of Chairs of the various committees throughout the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society.  Herding this group of cats falls to Ron Gerrits, current Steering Committee Chair.

Ron became SC Chair this past July, having previously served as Chair of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee.  During his tenure with C&I, his committee worked on the Learning Outcomes and put together an incredible package.  Ron brought a strong sense of order and organization with him, which will serve him well as the head of the Steering Committee.

“Becoming the Steering Committee Chair has been a bit overwhelming.  I am still trying to figure out what needs to be done, by when, and by whom.  It’s coming together.  Much of my efforts have been spent getting comfortable with the technology that will make us more efficient and better record-keepers in the long-term.”

140305 (2) Ron GerritsRon’s coming into position during a bumpy time, technology-speaking.  HAPS has been instituting a new website this year, switching to a new email domain for the Board and SC, and a new online management system for documents.  However, Ron’s taking charge of his committees’ needs and helping them sort out what they need and where they can find it.

“In the end, the incorporation of this new technology will be a benefit to HAPS.  As we develop a better archive for documents, that will serve current and future chairs very well.”

It can’t be all a downer, can it?

“No, there are upsides, too.  One of the big benefits of being the Steering Committee Chair is the pleasure of working with like-minded people.  The committee chairs are dedicated instructors of A&P and want to see HAPS be a successful, well-run organization.  They’re all very busy, but they all know that HAPS is worth it.”

Ron’s already busy this spring, getting the Steering Committee ready for the annual conference in Jacksonville this May.  The Steering Committee will present a poster to describe how the various committees can help you.  They will hold their annual Scavenger Hunt for First-Time HAPSters.  They will also hold their annual committee meetings (most will be during the Tuesday lunch).  Keep an eye out for the Smart-device APP that will help you navigate through the conference; there’ll be lots of goodies from the Steering Committee on it.

Everything in its right place!
Everything in its right place!

The Steering Committee is an incredible herd.  Helping to keep them focused and moving forward can be a lot of work, but Ron appears to have the group well maintained.  Hee Yah!

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