HAPS One – the refurbished Huey helicopter – touched down in La Grange, Georgia at HAPS International headquarters. President Valerie O’Loughlin was greeted by the security detail and taken into the secured compound.
“Ma’am, the presidents for ASM (American Society for Microbiology) and APS (American Physiology Society) are already here. We’re still waiting for AAA (American Association of Anatomists) – oh, wait, I just got word that their submarine docked at the underground grotto entrance. We should meet them in the West Boardroom.”

President O’Loughlin nodded and continued on her way towards the secure elevator that would take her to the fortified meeting room. Today’s summit would determine the future of biological education for the next decade. It was vital that HAPS led the way.
She punched in a security code known only to other Executive Committee members and entered the elevator. As the elevator descended, she reflected on that elite group. The HAPS Executive Committee is comprised of the president, the president-elect, the past president, the secretary, and the treasurer. It is their solemn vow to uphold the standards of the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society and protect it from threats, both foreign and domestic.
Wow, she needed some caffeine. Val was typing up notes for Tom Lehman’s weekly blog on the HAPS leadership and she seriously let her mind wander on that topic. Oh well, shaking the cobwebs and refocusing on the questions.
Question #1: What is the difference between the Board and the Executive Committee?
I see the Executive Committee as the “Mini Board.” Despite the advances of technology, there are some decisions that need to be made very quickly, and we can’t wait on the schedules of all very busy Board members to reply to emails. In addition, there are some decisions that don’t require the input of all Board members, but rather, a smaller component of the Board will suffice. For those types of decisions, the Executive Committee is invaluable.
That said, there have been relatively few items that have been discussed in the Executive Committee instead of the entire Board. And the Board typically is informed of these discussions after the fact, so it isn’t as if the Executive Committee is doing something that the Board is not aware of. Rather, it provides a way to streamline some actions so our service to HAPS members is not interrupted.
Question #2: Describe your President’s Initiative for this year.
The President’s Initiative is a way for the president to provide a long-term impact to HAPS well after the President’s term has ended. My initiative focuses on expanding anatomy and physiology educational research in HAPS. In a nutshell, my initiative is designed to:
1) inform HAPS membership about methodical ways of assessing teaching and learning effectiveness,
2) introduce members to the scholarship of teaching and learning,
3) showcase exemplary educational research efforts of our members, and
4) ultimately have HAPS serve as an example for producing rigorous A&P educational research projects.
The ultimate goal is to make HAPS members more knowledgeable about A&P educational research by providing them with the tools and knowledge needed to design, implement, and publish A&P educational research studies.
In addition to developing online ‘how-to’ podcasts for developing an educational research project, I am in charge of selecting speakers for our HAPS 2015 meeting, which will have a focus on educational research and scholarship of teaching and learning.
Question #3: In your Fantasy Dodgeball League, which three President Emeriti would make your championship team?
Ooooh… good one.
Bill Perrotti definitely would be on my team, because he can be quite sinister in getting individuals to volunteer for HAPS related activities and inspiring them to run for office (note to HAPS members – if you see Bill Perrotti come up to you and talk about volunteering – RUN!)
- Kevin Patton of course – anyone who has worked with lions is fierce in his own right.
- And Don Kelly – because the role of a past president is to make his current president’s dodgeball team look good.