HAPSweb 1: Become a Member!

Treasure chest full of glittering treasure.
HAPS is a treasure trove of teaching resources.

Welcome back to another semester of Anatomy and Physiology fun. This semester, the Communications Committee will share a series of posts describing the many resources available to HAPS members via the HAPS website.  If you aren’t yet a member of HAPS, this series might encourage you to join.  If you are a member, you will probably be reminded of how many treasures are available to our members.  We all think HAPS membership is a really great deal!

The resources found on the HAPS website are divided into two categories:  public and members-only.  The public resources are freely available to members and non-members alike.  While we are extremely proud of our public resources (like David Evans’ “What’s New in A&P“), we really want to encourage folks to take advantage of the benefits of membership.  This list is long and the benefits combine to make HAPS the most welcoming and useful membership organization for an Anatomy and Physiology teaching professional.

You can join HAPS by visiting the webpage and selecting your member type.

Dues schedule for HAPS membership.
Join HAPS now! There are many ways to get the most out of your membership.

Next week, we’ll begin the conversation by reminding ourselves of one of the most valuable membership benefits: The HAPS email listserv.

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