Last week we posted about how HAPS members have access to the journal from the American Association of Anatomists. But did you also know that as a HAPS member you have free access to our very own quarterly publication, which gives you great resources such as new teaching techniques, original lesson plans, and labs activities? The HAPS EDucator gives you access to this and more. This peer-reviewed publication comes out three times a year and accepts articles on new teaching techniques, trending topics in Anatomy and Physiology, and summaries of conferences you may have missed. There is even a special issue published after the Annual Conference to highlight the excellent speakers that always participate. The conference edition of the HAPS EDucator also features abstracts for the many interesting and insightful posters and workshops that are presented at the conference. This publication can help you keep up with what is going on in the HAPS world even if you cannot make it to any of the conferences during the year.
The current issue of the HAPS EDucator is the one dedicated to the Annual Conference that was held in May 2014 in Jacksonville, Florida. It features interesting overviews of the speakers’ talks including a great talk by Dr. Timothy Wilson about using images in lectures, and the ability of our brains to learn information. It also has a link to an article written by Dr. Wilson as well as links to his references if you want to learn more about the topic.
Also in this issue are summaries and graphs from the posters that were presented at the conference, including an interesting poster about Accidents and Injuries in the Human A&P Laboratory from a survey conducted by the HAPS Safety Committee.
Non-conference issues of the HAPS EDucator feature articles such as The Emerging Interface of Entomotoxicology, Forensic Entomology and Decomposition in Modern Crime Scene Investigation by Allison Gaines and Sarah Cooper (Spring 2014 edition), or Yoga, Anatomy and the Fitness Explosion on Campus by Sarah Cooper, Spencer Lalk, Susan White Phillips, and Jennifer Wood, PhD (Winter 2014). Then again perhaps an article like Pedagogical Diversity in Introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology Class in a Small College Setting by Tarig B. Higaz (Winter 2014) would be something you might find interesting and helpful in the classroom.
The HAPS EDucator has a variety of articles available so everyone should be able to find something they are interested in and/or something helpful in the classroom in this publication. It is a reference that you do not want to miss out on utilizing so check it out today. Issues of the HAPS EDucator are published and archived online dating back to October of 1987. So join HAPS and take advantage of this amazing resource today.