This week, the Communications Committee brings you a message from the co-editors of the HAPS EDucator, Jennelle Malcos and Sarah Cooper.
You may have read the post a couple weeks ago focusing on the HAPS EDucator and all the exciting resources it has to offer. We would like to now share with you some information about how you can share your ideas and contribute to this resource. Submitting an article is easy to do with out new “Author Submission Packet” posted on the HAPS EDucator website.
The goal of the EDucator is to foster the advancement of A&P education by promoting communication and collaboration between HAPS members – also known as sharing your ideas! You may be wondering what types of articles are considered for publications. There are many types and vary from innovative teaching techniques or lesson plans, reviews of trending topics in A&P or summaries of noteworthy events or experiences. We also feature our popular Edu-Snippets: quick and easy ideas to use in the classroom or lab. We encourage you to think outside the box and publish in areas that interest and excite you because they will likely excite others.
Starting in 2014, regular article submissions are now undergoing a peer-review process based on the standards of “Educational Scholarship”. If you submit an article, 2-4 members of the HAPS EDucator Editorial Board will review your article based on the following criteria:
- Is the article appropriate and relevant for HAPS members and the society’s goal of promoting excellence in human anatomy and physiology teaching?
- Is the article scientifically accurate and reflects the author’s preparation and knowledge in the field?
- Is the presented information organized and free form spelling and grammatical errors?
You will receive targeted feedback and the opportunity to make corrections if necessary. Through this process, published articles are considered peer-reviewed and can be used for the purposes of promotion and tenure at your institute.
After the annual conference we also look for members to share their experiences in the “HAPS EDucator Annual Conference Edition”. We encourage workshop and poster presenters to share a summary of their work or attendees to share there favorite part of the conference. This becomes a valuable resource for those that cannot make the journey to the annual conference.
Submitting an article is a great way to contribute to HAPS and help promote your career. If you ever have any questions about the submission process, please feel free to contact us at haps-ed@hapsconnect.org. Now take a break from reading this blog and start sharing your ideas!
Your Co-Editors,
Jennelle Malcos and Sarah Cooper