HAPS is always trying to find ways to make the lives of its members easier. For example, HAPS offers scholarships to ease the financial burden of participating in HAPS conferences or HAPS-I courses. But HAPS also negotiates deals for its members, like the most recent partnership between HAPS and Thieme.
This new partnership has two excellent member benefits. First, Thieme is proud to now offer all HAPS members and their students 30% off and free shipping* for all titles from Thieme.com. This generous deal benefits members AND their students.
Second, Thieme is sponsoring the 2015 HAPS-Thieme Excellence in Teaching Award! This award is designed to recognize and reward excellence in undergraduate A&P instruction. Award winners must be nominated by colleagues and will demonstrate the core value of HAPS. Nominations are allowed from instructors or administrators at accredited institution in the US or Canada. The winner of this award will receive a $1,500 cash prize and free registration for the 2015 Annual HAPS conference in San Antonio.
The deadline for nomination is January 1, 2015.
Nominators must have:
- Experience as an instructor or administrator at an accredited institution in the US or Canada
- At least two years of A&P (broadly defined) teaching experience or administrative experience
- Direct knowledge of the instructor being nominated and be able to explain why the nominee deserves this award
Nominees must:
- Be teaching an A&P course (broadly defined) in 2014-2015 academic year with an expectation that he/she will continue as an A&P instructor going forward
- Be a HAPS member in good standing on January 1, 2015
- Be an exemplary teacher
- Provide a CV and a note saying that he/she understands that he/she must attend the annual conference.
*Free shipping applies only to orders placed on www.thieme.com and ebookstore.thieme.com. Offer available in the continental US only. All prices are subject to change without notice. This promotion is available for a limited time only.