The HAPS EDucator Spring 2015 Edition is Here!

A message from the ComCom
A message from the ComCom

The HAPS-EDucator for Spring 2015 is HERE. This members-only perk is available if you log into the HAPS website to view the newest edition.

Articles in this edition include:

Marvels of the Bologna Anatomical Wax Museum: their theoretical and clinical importance in the training of 21st century medical students
By Francesco M. Galassi, Alessandro Ruggeri, Kevin Petti, hutan Ashrafian

A Functional MRI (fMRI) Study Showing Neuroanatomical Correlates of

HAPS-EDucator is the official publication of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) and is published online three times per year on April 15, August 15, and December 15.

Medical Image Interpretation and Effects of Art Instruction on Visuo-spatial skills in Medical Education
By Elliot Dickerson BS, Caryn Babaian, MC, Med, Kim Curby, PhD, Beverley Hershey, MD, Scott H. Faro, MD, Feroze B. Mohamed, PhD

The Anatomical Landmarks Most Important for Dental Implant Surgery
By Sarah Cooper

Anastomosis: Connecting History and Anatomy Education
By Vinson H. Sutlive

Indentification of Unknown Mammalian Quadruped Bones by Histological Techniques And Bone Morphology
By Olena Prikhodko, Sarah Cooper, and Jennifer Wood, PhD

The Nerve of it All: The BRachial Plexus in 3D. A Workshop Presentation at Central Regional Conference in Cincinnati
By Christine Yu

A Summary of the HAPS Regional Conference in Cincinnati
By Bonnie Richmond, PhD

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