We here at HAPS hope you had a restful and rejuvenating holiday. We’ve been preparing for a fun spring blog season, especially as we get ready for the famous Annual Conference, this year being held in Atlanta, Georgia.
It is a good time of the year to solidify your plans for the Annual Conference. There are some significant deadlines coming up, so get ready!
First, poster and workshop proposals are due on Friday, February 26, 2016. Early bird registration rates also end on February 26, so you might as well get all of those things done soon.

The Hyatt Regency Altanta is the host hotel. Our conference rate is discounted to $149/night (+ tax). Make your reservations online or by calling 1-404-577-1234 (and don’t forget to mention you are with the HAPS group!).
Every year we have the entertaining HAPS Fun Run/Walk and this year is no different. Pre-register for the event and pay only $15. Don’t wait, because on-site registration for the HAPS Fun Run/Walk will be $20. All proceeds from this fun event support the HAPS Foundation, which administers the many grants, scholarships, and awards available to HAPS members and their students. These awards support the mission statement of the Society, which is to promote excellence in the teaching of human anatomy and physiology.
Finally, HAPS has brokered a fantastic deal with Delta airlines, so you might be able to save some money on the flight if you click here and use code NMMSH.
Don’t wait. We are excited to see you in Atlanta. And if you need a reminder of all that HAPS has to offer you, just check out the HAPS video, filmed at last year’s Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.