Last week we published a blog post about some of the recent developments for the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society’s journal, the HAPS Educator. This week, we’d like to really recruit you to populate this journal with your work. The fact is, HAPS members are writing amazing and useful articles, but we are spoiled for choice – should their story be shared as one of the weekly posts in the HAPS blog? Or is it more appropriate as a short, but helpful Edu-Snippet? Or should it be published as an article in the HAPS Educator? And if so, which section of the HAPS Educator is most appropriate? Or is the work so fantastic that it can be leveraged for all three platforms?
In an effort to help members clarify the answers to these questions, the HAPS Educator Committee teamed up with the Communication Committee to develop a plan for helping future authors identify how their work might be featured by HAPS.
First, the committees needed to clarify exactly what each new venue could feature. In the end, it was decided that the destination for a submission will depend both on its focus and its length, and five submission categories were identified (summarize here):
- HAPS Educator Educational Research, which features papers discussing pedagogical research projects supported by robust data.
- HAPS Educator Current Topics, which promotes articles that summarize a particular concept area and also include short descriptions of how the concepts can be utilized in our teaching.
- HAPS Educator Perspectives on Teaching, which includes pieces that discuss a teaching philosophy or modality. Papers published in this section could include lengthier descriptions of teaching activities without accompanying data.
- Edu-Snippets, which are short descriptions of learning activities.
- Blog Entries, which can provide feedback during the early stages of a research project or simply provoke discussion.
Then a flowchart was developed to help authors decide which of the five submission categories would be the best venue for publishing.
To use the chart, just start at the top and answer the boxed questions as you work your way to the bottom, where the five different publishing options are listed.

So get to it. We know you have materials to share- the next HAPS Educator submission deadline is March 15.
Note: When you are ready to submit your work to the HAPS Educator, we have a brand new online submissions form for you. The form ensures that we have all of the necessary information to publish your article and then to upload it to the Life Sciences Teaching Resource Community (LifeSciTRC). Click here to access “Instructions to Authors,” which includes all of the information that you need to get started!
Send Us Your Submissions Now!
- Sarah, Editor-in Chief, is happy to answer any questions about publishing in HAPS Educator that are not addressed in the Instructions to Authors. You can reach Sarah at editor@hapsconnect.org.
- Roberta, Snippet Queen, is waiting to receive your Edu-Snippets submissions at edu-snippets@hapsconnect.org.
- Wendy, Communication Committee chair, is waiting to receive your Blog entries at wriggs@hapsconnect.org.