The annual HAPS conference kicks off in less than one week in Atlanta. It’s the 30th anniversary of the HAPS annual conference, and our conference committee has worked hard to commemorate the occasion. There are anniversary shirts and commemorative pins. Check out Christie Canady’s blog to learn more. Also, be on the lookout at the conference for fun highlights of the last 30 years.
We are excited to welcome some of the top researchers and educators in the country to serve as our update speakers. Topics include educational research, novel teaching methods, zoonotic diseases, microvasculature, cancer immunotherapy, biomechanics, and personalized medicine. Visit our exhibitors to learn more about the latest and greatest teaching and technology tools. Learn more about innovations in education by attending each of the three poster sessions and two days of workshops. And, don’t forget to socialize and network with fellow HAPSters at our evening reception and social.
HAPS Synapse! also returns this year with an exciting exploration of topics we all assume that we know well. Perhaps most impressive is that all HAPS Synapse! speakers are well-respected authors. Check out Keely Cassidy’s sneak peek at speakers and topics here. This session will not disappoint!
Want a little exercise while you see some historic sights? Then, be sure to sign up for the HAPS Foundation Walk-Run. Conference committee member and runner extraordinaire, Patrick Cafferty, has designed a course that optimizes sightseeing in the area historic neighborhoods. Check out his recent blog to learn more. Remember, all funds support the HAPS Foundation!
Looking for some additional fun while you are visiting? Atlanta has so many area attractions, including the Georgia Aquarium, World of Coca-Cola , Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Atlanta Braves, Martin Luther King Center, great area restaurants, and much more. Learn more by referencing our Hospitality Guide on the app or online, or checking out recent blog posts by our Hospitality Coordinator, Margaret Long: Part I and Part II. Our local conference volunteers will also be wearing hospitality buttons, so please find one of us for guidance while you are here.
This year, we are also excited to offer 120 HAPSters the opportunity to visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Those signed up for our post-conference event have received their required security clearance and are ready to tour the CDC Museum, and learn more about the CDC. We will meet representatives from the Division of Emergency Operations, and we will attend Q&A sessions with Division Director, Toby Merlin, and Deputy Director, Chris Braden.
It’s an exciting time as we put the finishing touches on conference details. We can’t wait to welcome you to our great city for a great conference. We wish all of you safe travels, and we will see you soon!
Kyla Ross
Conference Committee Co-Chair