Serving as an officer in any organization requires a commitment of time and effort. Because HAPS members generally lead busy lives, it can be a challenge finding candidates who are confident they can devote enough time to managing the current affairs of HAPS while also strategically planning for its future. In spite of these challenges, there was a strong response to the nomination process this year and the Nominating Committee is excited to finalize a slate of candidates that nearly fills the allotted slots allowed for balloting. In fact, we had more nominations this year than ever for multiple positions, such that we were not able to put all of those interested on the ballot. This increase in interest in leadership positions speaks well of the engagement level of the society and we are hopeful that it will continue into the future.
Besides identifying qualified candidates, an organization also benefits when there is a high level of participation by the general membership in the election process. I am requesting that all of us review the descriptions of the open positions, read the candidate statements and complete the ballots when received.
The positions that are up for election starting in July 2017 include the following:
Election to this office involves a three-year commitment, one year each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The year as President-Elect provides a year to become accustomed to serving on the Board of Directors before transitioning into the role of President. The President, in consultation with the Board, provides direction and guidance by establishing and managing the policies and affairs of the Society. Following the President’s term, they become Past-President to provide leadership continuity.
The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the official records of the Society. This includes recording minutes of Board and general membership meetings, and maintaining bylaws and other corporate documents. The Secretary’s term of office is for two (2) years.
Regional Directors (Central & Southern Regions)
Although each Regional Director serves as a representative of one of the four HAPS regions to ensure diverse geographical representation on the Board of Directors, they are elected by the entire membership. They act as a liaison between the region’s constituency and the Board and promote increased involvement of the region’s membership in the activities of the Society, including regional conferences. Each Regional Director’s term of office is for two (2) years. The current incumbents each qualify to serve again.
The candidate information and biographies can be found here, which summarize the activities of these members both within and outside of HAPS.
HAPS members will receive ballots on March 13
HAPS members will receive ballots today, so please watch out for them in your email. The voting will continue through March 31. Because we have three candidates for each Regional Director, as well as for Secretary, we are utilizing instant runoff voting this year (a form of preferential voting in Robert’s Rules of Order). Instant runoff voting is a form of rank order voting that is commonly used in universities and municipalities when there are more than two candidates for a position. It provides a mechanism for obtaining a majority vote without having to hold additional rounds of balloting, which might otherwise be required. You will be asked to rank candidates in order of preference (1-3). We understand that this can be challenging, especially if you consider all candidates strong, but it is necessary in order to hold the elections in an efficient manner.
Election results will be announced in April, as well as at the annual conference in Salt Lake City.
Thanks to everyone in advance for taking the time to participate in the election process. And a special thanks to those that have agreed to serve in office if elected. It is a commitment that benefits all in the society.
Ron Gerrits is the HAPS President-Elect & 2016-2017 Nominating Committee Chair. He is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering.