Reading the HAPS listserv and HAPS Educator, serving on the board or a committee, reviewing position statements, implementing HAPS learning outcomes and returning from an annual or regional conference with new ideas are all ways that I have benefitted from the volunteer efforts of our many engaged HAPS members. Hearing from others who express their gratitude for the services offered by our organization provides evidence that we are helping meet the professional needs of the A&P instructors we represent. Yet, there are always improvements to be made, fresh ideas to be considered, and management tasks that must be completed. A vibrant and dedicated leadership team helps guide the HAPS organization in these various areas. Please consider joining this team, or nominating others, for the Board positions that will be open for elections in Spring 2018.
As HAPS President-Elect, it is my privilege to chair the annual Nominating Committee and solicit potential candidates for leadership positions. Working with me this year on the Nominating Committee are Javni Mody, Kevin Petti , and Dic Charge. You will likely recognize these people because each individual has served HAPS in various roles too numerous to mention throughout many years of devoted membership.
We are currently accepting nominations for candidates to fill four HAPS offices with terms that will commence on July 1, 2018. These offices are the following: President-Elect, Treasurer, Eastern Regional Director, and Western Regional Director. Both self-nominations and nominations from colleagues are welcome and are due to the Nominating Committee by January 31, 2018. Questions can be submitted to me.
All discussions of potential candidates will remain confidential within the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will review all nominations and verify willingness to serve. A final slate of candidates will be recommended to the Board of Directors for approval in March, with a maximum of two candidates for President-Elect and maximum of three candidates for each of the other offices. The final candidates will be asked to provide a biography, position statement, and photo for the April ballot.
All elected officers serve on the Board of Directors during their designated term. The Board holds in-person meetings twice a year: one occurs during a weekend in October (next year’s meeting will be held in Denver), and the other occurs for two days prior to the annual conference in the host city). The work of the Board is conducted the rest of the year through scheduled monthly e-meetings, synchronous video calls, and other asynchronous communication as needed.
Descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of each office can be found in the HAPS Bylaws available on the HAPS website (login required). Below is a short synopsis of each office that will be filled in the 2018 election:
Election to this office involves a three-year commitment, one year each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The year as President-Elect provides a year to become accustomed to serving on the Board of Directors before transitioning into the role of President. The President, in consultation with the Board, provides direction and guidance by establishing and managing the policies and affairs of the Society. Following the President’s term, they become Past-President to provide leadership continuity.
The Treasurer is the chief fiscal officer of the Society, one of the official signing officers, and serves on the Executive Committee. The Treasurer oversees all financial transactions, keeps financial records and prepares the annual budget in consultation with the Board of Directors and Steering Committee. The Treasurer’s term of office is for two (2) years, but there is no limit to consecutive terms.
Regional Directors (Eastern & Western Regions – see website for boundaries.)
Although each Regional Director serves as a representative of one of the four HAPS regions to ensure diverse geographical representation on the Board of Directors, they are elected by the entire membership. Each acts as a liaison between the region’s constituency and the Board and promotes increased involvement of the region’s membership in the activities of the Society, including regional conferences. Each Regional Director’s term of office is for two (2) years. Regional Directors may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Becoming part of the HAPS leadership team is a great way to give back to our organization and to enhance personal and professional development within a nationally respected educational society. Whether you, or someone you know, would be interested in this opportunity, please let us know.
For those who are not comfortable participating at the Board level at this time, but who are still interested in becoming involved, please consider participating on a HAPS committee. We value the time and talent of all those who strive to improve HAPS.