Being the Executive Director of HAPS is a great job, in part because I never really know what opportunities are going to present themselves on any given day. Two weeks ago I got a call from friend and HAPS McGraw-Hill Education exhibitor Jim Connely. Jim has boundless energy and enthusiasm, so when he calls, you know something cool is going to happen.
And it did!
This particular call was a proposal from Jim to feature HAPS in his Succeed in A&P podcast. By last week, we had recorded a conversational interview about HAPS and the upcoming Annual Conference in Columbus (May 26-30). And today that conversation is available to everyone as a podcast (just two weeks from initial phone call to release!). If you would like to hear more, or if you know of colleagues who might like to hear more about HAPS, this podcast conversation is a great starting point.
For those new to podcasts, they are very similar in concept to an audio book. The main difference is that a podcast tends to narrowly focus on a topic and to me, podcasts seem like the radio stories or interviews that you might hear on public radio. Most people I know download their podcasts to their smart phones so that they can listen to them whenever they have a moment – in line, in the car, whenever. But you can use whatever digital device you prefer – tablet, computer, whatever works for you.
Most digital devices these days come with a program that will allow you to download and listen to podcasts. If yours did not, then finding an appropriate player is as simple as searching your favorite app store. Once you’ve got that figured out, all you need to do is follow the links below and you’re in business.
iTunes link Google Play link Stitcher Radio link Podbay link
HAPS is fortunate to have the support of a whole host of wonderful companies that are all working to make A&P education more effective. Jim is a great example of the personal effort and earnest desire to help that so many of our exhibitors share. Listen to the podcast and you will see what I mean.
Great Peter. I am a big podcast fan. Can anyone recommend others for A&P?