HAPS Diversity & Inclusion Survey

In the fall of 2018, HAPS approved a new task force; the Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG). This was a significant step for HAPS as a professional society. In a January 2019 blog post, Kathy Burleson, the DIG chair, explained its purpose, which is “to develop best practices, resources, and professional development for inclusive education in anatomy and physiology.” Attendees of the 2019 HAPS annual conference in Portland may recall numerous workshops, speakers, and posters promoting diversity and inclusion inside and outside of our classrooms.

 Since the mission of HAPS is to promote excellence in the teaching of A&P, we as educators must continue to strive to understand the unique identities, perspectives, and experiences of our students if we are to overcome barriers to learning. However, to move forward with that mission in a united way, HAPS needs to address any barriers to inclusion within our own member base, and understand the unique needs of our members. To accomplish this goal, the DIG created the HAPS Diversity & Inclusion Membership survey. The purpose of the survey is to gather membership data that will tell us who we are as an organization and identify needs regarding diversity and inclusion.

 The expected outcomes of the survey include the development of teaching resources, professional presentations and social events at HAPS meetings, potential funding opportunities, and the development of a 5-year plan for HAPS around diversity and inclusion.

Please consider taking the Diversity & Inclusion Survey–HAPS members should check their inboxes to find the link. Participation is entirely voluntary. The IRB-approved survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and those who finish the survey are eligible to win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards. Questions concerning the IRB for this survey should be directed to Theo Smith, smittheo@iu.edu. If you have any other questions about this survey or would like to get involved with DIG, please contact Kathy Burleson, kburleson@hapsconnect.org.

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