Funding opportunities for the HAPS annual conference (part 1 of 2)

If you could use some financial assistance to travel to the 2020 HAPS Annual Conference in Ottawa, consider applying for an award administered by the HAPS Awards & Scholarships (A&S) Committee.  Seven total awards are offered this year.  This post details the Supported Awards which are funded by a vendor or an individual donor.

The ADInstruments Sam Drogo New Technology in the Classroom Award award encourages the innovative use of technology to engage undergraduates in human anatomy and physiology. The winner receives $500 to attend the HAPS Annual Conference.

The Gail Jenkins Teaching and Mentoring Award is for a HAPS member who demonstrates use of engaging learning activities to help students truly understand and retain Anatomy and Physiology with kinesthetic and active learning strategies and inexpensive everyday props. The award also recognizes those who mentor other instructors to incorporate active learning in their teaching to benefit more students. The winner will receive $1000 cash award provided by Wiley and will also have their registration waived for the HAPS Annual Conference in May 2020.

 The John Martin Second-Timer Award is a new award this year.  It is for HAPS members who have attended only one previous HAPS Annual Conference (does not matter which year, as long as it was an annual conference) and are in need of some financial assistance to attend this year’s annual conference as a Second Timer. The winner will receive $500 to use toward attending the HAPS Annual Conference.   Applicants must be full-time or contingent college/university faculty or full-time high school faculty, currently teaching anatomy & physiology with at least part of the teaching load being face-to-face, as opposed to totally online teaching.

The final deadline to submit your application and one letter of recommendation is January 3, 2020. 

More details about the awards and access to award applications can be found on the HAPS website:

Questions? Please contact Carol Veil, Chair of the HAPS Grants and Scholarships Committee.

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