Funding opportunities for the HAPS annual conference (part 2 of 2)

In addition to the Supported Awards that we covered in our previous post, there are four additional awards administered by the HAPS Awards & Scholarships Committee. These four awards fall into the category of HAPS Awards because they are funded by the HAPS organization using money donated by HAPS members. Each award targets a specific category of HAPS members to help them attend the HAPS Annual Conference in May 2020.

1 – The Robert B. Anthony Travel Award is for full-time faculty during their first five years of teaching.

2 – The Full-Time Faculty Travel Award is for full-time faculty who have taught for more than five years. 

3 – The Contingent Faculty Travel Award is for contingent faculty (see link for how HAPS defines “contingent” faculty).

 4 – The Student/Postdoc Travel Award has been expanded this year to include undergraduates as well as graduate students and postdocs.

All four awards pay the registration fee for the 2020 HAPS Annual Conference plus $400 to help with travel expenses to attend the conference

The final deadline to submit your application and one letter of recommendation is January 3, 2020.

More details about the awards and access to award applications can be found on the HAPS website:

Questions? Please contact Carol Veil, Chair of the HAPS Grants and Scholarships Committee.


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