HAPS 2020 Virtual Conference Days 4-6

We are now mid-way through the HAPS 2020 Virtual Conference.

Friday brought us together with a welcome party hosted by McGraw Hill. We got the chance to meet some new HAPSters and catch up with old friends. In a large web call like this, sometimes it is difficult to be heard, but Mark Nielson called on people by name to give updates so everyone had a chance to speak. We discussed how universities are handling the current situation, provided suggestions for fellow HAPSters, and congratulated Melissa Quinn on her recent award.  And of course, poor Bill Perrotti was subject to a few jokes, but he was a good sport about it. All attendees agreed it was a very “HAPSy” event. A big thank you from all of us to Valerie Kramer for hosting the event.

On Saturday and Sunday we learned from our exhibitors. Overall, there was a focus on utilizing the different products for online/distance learning. One of the biggest challenges with the remote setting is balancing life and meetings. A primary concern from HAPSters was how the online tools ensured accessibility, which underscores a dedication to diversity and inclusion. Peter informed us on Friday that session recordings will get posted to the HAPS website.

Today we will meet again for the Membership Extravaganza and breakout sessions with your regional directors. See you soon!

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