Serve HAPS by Joining the Board of Directors

This post is from Kyla Ross, Chair of the Nominating Committee

As your current President-Elect, I have the honor of chairing the Nominating Committee, which is responsible for compiling the ballot for the 2021 HAPS Board of Directors (BOD). I am working alongside the members of my committee: Anthony Edwards, Kerry Hull, and Tom Lehman. The BOD is composed of nine officers: Past President, President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Regional Directors. Four officers are elected by the membership each spring, and terms begin July 1. All BOD members participate in monthly E-meetings, attend two leadership meetings (one in October and the other in conjunction with the Annual Conference in May), and attend the General Membership Meeting that takes place during the Annual Conference. 

I recognize that this has been a challenging year, and so many of us have been impacted personally and professionally. Whether you are just getting more involved with HAPS or have been a long-standing member of our Society,  I hope that you will consider serving in a leadership role on the HAPS BOD. Becoming part of the HAPS leadership team is a great way to give back to the organization and to enhance your personal and professional development. Whether you, or someone you know, would be interested in this opportunity, please let us know before February 26, 2021. 

This year, the four officers that we are electing are 1) President-Elect, 2) Secretary, 3) Central Regional Director, and 4) Southern Regional Director. 

1) President-Elect

President-Elect is the first office of a three-year term on the Board of Directors. The President-Elect serves as a voting member on the Board of Directors and, along with other Board members, establishes and manages the policies and affairs of the Society.  For the second year of the term this person becomes the HAPS President, and the third year becomes the Past President. This person’s term on the Board of Directors is completed at the end of the third year.  Additional duties of President-Elect include the following:  1) Works closely with the President and Treasurer to determine the content of the budget for the next fiscal year to be presented to the Board for approval.  2) Participates in monthly e-meetings with other Board members. 3)Attends Board of Director and Executive Committee meetings held in fall and in conjunction with the Annual Conference.  4) Attends the Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference.  5) Chairs the Nominating Committee.  6) Performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board.

2) Secretary

The Secretary serves as a voting member on the Board of Directors for a two-year term.  Along with other Board members, the Secretary establishes and manages the policies and affairs of the Society. In addition, the Secretary’s duties include the following:  1) Takes and keeps minutes of Board of Directors meetings, the Annual General meeting, and other meetings as deemed appropriate by the President.  2) Participates in monthly e-meetings with other Board members. 3)  Attends Board of Director and Executive Committee meetings held in fall and in conjunction with the Annual Conference.  4) Attends the Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference.  5) Performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board.

3 and 4) Central and Southern Regional Directors (see website for boundaries):

The Regional Director serves as a voting member on the Board of Directors for a two-year term. Along with other Board members, Regional Directors establish and manage the policies and affairs of the Society. A Regional Director serves as the representative of a HAPS Region. It is required that Regional Directors reside or work in the region they will represent at the time of their nomination. Regional Directors may complete their terms of office should they no longer reside or work in their region.  The Regional Directors ensure currency and continuity of policies and procedures as well as acting as liaisons between their constituencies and the Board of Directors.  Additional duties of a Regional Director include the following:  1) Promotes increased involvement of the region’s membership in the activities of the Society.  2) Communicates with his/her constituency via email at least once annually. 3) Participates in monthly e-meetings with other Board members.  4) Attends Board of Director and Executive Committee meetings held in fall and in conjunction with the Annual Conference.  5) Attends the Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference.  6) Attends Regional Conferences in their region for the purpose of welcoming attendees and promoting membership in HAPS.  If unable to attend a Regional Conference, the Regional Director will find a replacement. The regional conference registration fee shall be waived for Regional Directors.  7)  Performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in one of these positions, please consider submitting your nomination (self or from colleagues) via our online form prior to February 26, 2021. 

All discussions of potential candidates will remain confidential within the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will review all nominations and verify willingness to serve. A final slate of candidates will be recommended to the BOD for approval, with a maximum of two candidates for President-Elect and maximum of three candidates for each of the other offices. The final candidates will be asked to provide a biography and a position statement for the ballot. 

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