

No More “Syllabus Day!”

Before last fall, when I would start to plan out my first day of A&P, I always greatly underestimated the time it would take to go over the syllabus, class expectations, and introductions. Typically, I would plan all those activities…

The President’s Medal

The President’s medal is an award that recognizes a HAPS member who has provided exemplary service to HAPS. The recipient of the award is chosen by the current HAPS President and  is announced at the Annual General Membership Meeting.  Terry…

Teaching Tips and Learning Outcomes

Since 2003 HAPS members have been sharing teaching tips with each other through HAPS publications. Over the years these teaching tips were archived primarily in whole-publication pdf files of the HAPS Educator. While it was always exciting to see the…

2017 Sam Drogo Award winners

In 2017 ADInstruments funded three Sam Drogo Awards, supporting excellence in the classroom.  As usual, the ADInstruments team came out in force to support HAPS and this amazing group of instructors who have distinguished themselves with their use of technology…

The HAPS Goodbye

Smiles, hugs, beer, science Exhaustion, excitation HAPSters say goodbye. -The deadline poet Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say good night till it be morrow. -Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet [Act II, Scene 2] It’s…

What HAPS Means to Me

Becca Ludwig is an experienced HAPS blogger and brought us a series of five posts in March 2015 from the A&P student perspective.  Now we get to hear from her again, this time as successful graduate!   I joined HAPS because my…