Category Pedagogy

Posts related to the philosophy of teaching

Professional Development

Professional development is one of those buzzwords in academia that makes some people excited, and it makes others cringe. To me, the main reason for this difference in opinion is based on desire versus must do. Some people, like myself,…

Science Conference Success

As expected, the NSTA Conference was delightful! My fellow teachers and I gathered lots of resources, great ideas, and some exciting news! I also had the pleasure of running into a few fellow HAPS members and hopefully helped convince a…

Perfect Timing

As far as I can tell, this is a very bittersweet time of year, anxiously awaited (and dreaded) by students and teachers alike… Testing season is upon us! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel: only a…

Hello HAPSters!

Hello HAPS community! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Krista Rompolski, and I’m addicted to Anatomy and Physiology (just kidding). I am a first year professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA and am currently starting my third…