Category Uncategorized

Welcome to Atlanta: Part I

In the spirit of Southern hospitality, the HAPS Hospitality Committee has put together a travel guide for the Atlanta Conference. As we get closer to May, the HAPS conference app will become available with a list of some of the many…

HAPS Wants You…. to Vote! 

Anyone who knows me realizes that blogging/social media is NOT my thing. Yet here I am with another President-elect task – trying to convince you to take time from your busy schedules to vote for our next members of the…

Check out the latest HAPS-I course!

Are you interested in learning how to integrate short clinical case studies into your anatomy and physiology lectures? If so, HAPS is pleased to announce a new HAPS-I online course that helps educators learn case-based instruction with a focus on…

Present your work in Atlanta!

The deadline to submit workshop and poster proposals to present your work in Atlanta is fast approaching. February 26 will be here before you know it. February 26 is also the last day to register for the annual conference at Early…

Publish your Work with HAPS

Last week we published a blog post about some of the recent developments for the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society’s journal, the HAPS Educator.  This week, we’d like to really recruit you to populate this journal with your work.  The fact is, HAPS…

Your NEW HAPS Educator!

The latest edition of the HAPS Educator is out, and it looks AMAZING!  Kudos to Sarah and her team for adding “buttons” on the title page to immediately bring up the articles and for updating the format so brilliantly.  You…

Welcome Back, HAPSters!

We here at HAPS hope you had a restful and rejuvenating holiday. We’ve been preparing for a fun spring blog season, especially as we get ready for the famous Annual Conference, this year being held in Atlanta, Georgia. It is…