Workshop Guidelines

The HAPS Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshop presentations. The abstracts will be published in the Conference Booklet. All Submissions MUST be formatted according to the style guidelines below. It is recommended that you prepare your submission in a separate document and then cut and paste the information into the workshop presentation application form. Please read through the following instructions carefully.

All workshop presenters and co-presenters MUST be registered for the workshop portion of the event. Any presenter not registered at the time the conference booklet goes to publication will be dropped from the program, if there is only one presenter the workshop will be removed from the program.

HAPS is happy to facilitate workshops through which HAPS exhibitors and other outside entities can address HAPS members and designates such workshops as “sponsored.”  As with all workshops, sponsored workshop presenters must be registered for the workshop portion of the event and also pay the additional sponsored workshop fee (workshops are not part of the normal exhibitor registration).  All sponsored workshops and posters are marked as such in conference materials.  Please see the explanations of sponsored workshops and the explanations of the HAPS presenter/author policies here.

Published Workshop descriptions will include lines for primary Presenter and Co-Presenters. Authors and co-authors are not listed unless mentioned in the abstract, where their inclusion will be counted against the abstract word limit.  Presenters and co-presenter not registered by the deadline will have their abstract removed from the workshop description and not included in either the conference book or conference edition of HAPS-Ed.  Example is below:




How to Submit your Workshop Presentation Application

Step 1: Read the guidelines and policies. 

Make sure you read through the Presenter Policies, Conflict of Interest Policy, and the Sponsored Workshops/Posters Policy on the HAPS website to ensure you understand what to submit in your presentation abstract.  

Step 2: Prepare your abstract for submission.

Your abstract submission must include the full title, author names, affiliation(s) and abstract text and conform to the word limit (100 word limit).  You will also want to consider the type of workshop that you are presenting, the length of your workshop (most regional meetings have 60-minute or shorter slots, annual conferences typically have 60 minute slots), and any special requests you may have (wet lab, dry lab, computer lab, just a lecture room with a projector, etc.).  

 Presenter Information:  Presenter 1 is the name of the individual whose name appears first on the abstract and who will be presenting (or co-presenting) the workshop.  You will be required to include the institution, city, state/province, zip/postal code, country and email address for all presenters.  Presenter 1 is the point of contact with HAPS.

Step 3: Submit your application online.

After you have reviewed and proofread your abstract, use the link in the conference registration page to complete the Workshop Presentation Abstract Submission form. 

After Submitting Your Workshop Application

All abstracts submitted with appropriate formatting and content appropriate to A&P will likely be accepted.  We will contact Presenter 1 by mid-April with your scheduled time to present.  

Please make travel plans that allow you to be present for the entire Workshops portion of the Conference

Conference Workshop Style Guidelines

Workshop abstracts will be published in the Conference Booklet and Conference edition of HAPS-Ed; therefore submissions MUST be formatted according to the guidelines stated below.  Abstracts that are incomplete or improperly formatted will be rejected.  Please read the following instructions carefully and refer to the examples below.

When creating a presentation, please consider employing the following guidelines to increase the accessibility of your presentation for all listeners. 

  1. Use strongly contrasting colors in PowerPoint slides.
    1. Example: White background with black font. 
    2. Avoid using gray or medium toned fonts, which will have lower contrast with the background.
  2. If visual representations (images, graphs, maps, charts, videos) are used, describe them verbally during your presentation. Consider including the following in your description:
    1. Content 
    2. Aesthetics and style 
    3. Connection to your content 
  3. Use Sans Serif fonts, e.g. Palatino, Georgia, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, or Helvetica. 
  4. Use font sizes no smaller than 20 pt in PowerPoint.
    1. This includes any text that is included in a table or figure 
  5. Use 1.5 or double spacing between lines.
  6. If using color to highlight sections of text, consider color accessibility.
    1. A good resource to check color accessibility: 
  7. Complete a “Check Accessibility” run on your PowerPoint (Microsoft Office Accessibility Instructions). Checking accessibility will review:
    1. Contrast levels
    2. Slide reading order
    3. Alt text 
    4. Table readability
  8. If a video is embedded into the PowerPoint, ensure that open or closed captions are automatically included in the video.
  9. If sharing your presentation with the audience as a downloadable file, use alternative text (alt text) for images (see item #7 above, for a helpful link). Consider including the following in your alt text description:
    1. Content 
    2. Aesthetics and style 
    3. Connection to your content

Presentation Title (Begin title with an uppercase letter, the remainder of the title is lowercase letters, title should consist of one sentence or phase, no period at the end, maximum 255 characters)

Abstract body (Provide presentation abstract in one paragraph without tables, figures, references, headings or equations; Body text is limited to a maximum of 100 words).

Presenter 1’s name (Indicate presenter name)

Presenter 1’s affiliations (Spell out affiliations in full)

Presenter 2’s name (Indicate presenter name)

Presenter 2’s affiliations (Spell out affiliations in full)

PLEASE NOTE: In conference brochure, presenters will be identified as either Presenter (if one) and  Presenter and Co-Presenters (if two or more).  


Example 1.

Presentation Title: Educating the “Net Generation”: Experiences from online physiology course
Abstract: The Human Physiology online course offered by the Department of Physiology at the University of Toronto ( offers a quality learning experience, convenience, and flexibility. The course is delivered on Blackboard with captured videos and has a supportive, user-friendly course environment. This online course gives students flexibility in terms of time and location, allowing self-directed learning. The online course consists of didactic lectures and “virtual labs” that involve computer simulations. Overall, our results suggest that the online course was as effective as the in-class course. Furthermore, online course fostered the students’ ability for critical thinking and promoted problem solving skills.

Presenter: Dr. Chris Perumalla, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto
Co Presenter: Dr. Nohjin Kee

Example 2.

Presentation Title: Online Anatomy & Physiology
Abstract: With growing enrollment and declining budgets, lab space is always at a premium. Can an online anatomy & physiology course provide a suitable alternative? Come see what you think of a new 2-semester combined anatomy & physiology course that utilizes the most complete, detailed and accurate 3D model of human anatomy.

Presenter: Betsy Brantley, Science Professor, Lansing Community College

Example 3.

Presentation Title: The First Day of Class
Abstract: Psychologists claim that you form an impression within the first few seconds. The A&P instructor faces a similar window of opportunity: the first day of class. How can we take advantage of the first day to promote maximum engagement, a sense of critical curiosity, and personal responsibility for learning? We will pilot my own first day itinerary. We’ll talk about strategies including “beginner’s mind”, “live & breathe A&P”, “A&Pers”, “VARK daily”, “the 3 mits”. We will identify possibilities for implementation as well as pitfalls and barriers. Participants are encouraged to bring their own first-day plans for group comment.

Presenter: Chris Boudrie, Assistant Professor, Biology & Health Sciences, Lourdes College

Example 4.

Presentation Title:
 Do Your Students Understand the Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System?

Abstract: We will present an approach using inexpensive materials that can be adapted to the qualifications of your students. For this hands-on session, presenters will provide materials and reference figures from commonly used human anatomy and physiology textbooks for a simple example of this approach.

Presenter: Margaret McMichael, Associate Professor of Biology, Baton Rouge Community College
Co Presenter: Andrea Scollard, Instructor of Biology